Performance Analysis of Polynomial Cancellation Coding for OFDM Systems Under Time-Variant Rayleigh Fading Channel
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-12-15
Dept. of Electronics Engineering, University of Electro-Communication
Hashimoto T
Dept. Of Electronics Engineering University Of Electro-communications
Hashimoto Takeshi
Dept. Of Electronics Eng. University Of Electro-communications
AL-ARAIMI Abdullah
Dept. of Electronics Engineering, University of Electro-Communications
Al‐araimi A
Dept. Of Electronics Engineering University Of Electro-communications
Al-araimi Abdullah
Dept. Of Electronics Engineering University Of Electro-communications
Hashimoto Takeshi
Dept. Of Electronic Engineering Univ. Of Electro-communications
- Complete Complementary Codes Based on N-Shift Cross-Orthogonal Sequences
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- Density evolution analysis of the iterative partial multiuser detector for CS-CDMA/CP (無線通信システム)
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- Density evolution analysis of the iterative partial multiuser detector for CS-CDMA/CP (信号処理)
- Density evolution analysis of the iterative partial multiuser detector for CS-CDMA/CP (通信方式)
- Generalized detection for CS-CDMA/CP over multipath channels and its comparison with DS-CDMA (無線通信システム)
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- New Algorithm for Searching Trellis Codes
- Performance Analysis of Polynomial Cancellation Coding for OFDM Systems Under Time-Variant Rayleigh Fading Channel
- 232. Quantitative Measure of Uterine Contraction Strength in Labor : A Newly Developed Analyzer of the Intrauterine Pressure Curve and its Clinical Availability
- 243. An Improved Method of Assay of Polyamines
- Analysis of MMSE Multiuser Receivers for DS/CDMA Multirate Communications
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- Performance of Coded CS-CDMA/CP with M-ZCZ Code over a Fast Fading Channel
- 388. Fetal Protein Metabolism: Role of Amino Acids on the Fetal Development
- 370. Prophylactic Effect of ATP or Ubiquinone on Respiratory Function of Newborn Rat Mitochondria under Anoxic Condition
- 295. Estrogen Levels in Maternal and Umbilical Cord Plasma and Amniotic Fluid after DHEA-S or E_1-S Loading
- 202. A Functional Adaptation in the Mitochondrial Electron Transport System of Rats in Neonatal Periods
- 196. Changes of Glycolysis in the Perinatal Period
- 194. The Effect of Maternal Glucose Infusion on the Metabolism of ^C-Lysine of Fetus
- Measurement of Maternal Blood Flow in the Descending Aorta under the Supine Position during Labor
- 361. Prognosis of Oligohydramnios : Usefulness of Ultrasonographic Measurement of Amniotic Fluid Pocket and Amnioscopy
- CS-CDMA/CP with the Chu sequence: a bandwidth-efficient multi-access scheme for fast fading multipath channels (回路とシステム)
- CS-CDMA/CP with the Chu sequence: a bandwidth-efficient multi-access scheme for fast fading multipath channels (信号処理)
- A Transmit Diversity Scheme of Convolutional Spreading CDMA Systems over MISO Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channels
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- 109. The Immunological Significance of Specific Pregnancy Beta 1 Qlycoprotein and its Correlation to the Placental Function
- 69. Effects of Glycine on Serum Gonadotropins and Estradiol
- 116. Studies on Protein Metabolism in Pregnant Rat
- 221. Experimental Study Intrauterine Fetal Alimentation
- 312. Preparation of Fetal Hypoxia Model and the Effect of Carbohydrate on Intra-uterine Resuscitation
- 304. Physiological Studies on the Gastric Motility of the Newborn Infants by Means of Analysing the Recorded Curves of Intragastric Pressure
- 318. Study about the Mechanism of Fetal Distress during Antepartum Period (Retrospective Study Using Continuous CTG Monitoring)
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