OFDM-CDMA with Low PAPR Using Cyclic-Shifted Sequence Mapping
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-12-01
You Y‐h
Sejong Univ. Kor
YOU Young-Hwan
Department of Internet Engineering, Sejons University
You Young-hwan
Communication Research Institute Department Of Internet Engineering Sejong University
You Young-hwan
Department Of Internet Engineering Sejong University
Jeon W‐g
Korea Electronics Technol. Inst. (keti) Kyunggido Kor
You Y‐h
Communication Research Institute Department Of Internet Engineering Sejong University
You Y‐h
Department Of Internet Engineering Sejong University
Seo Jeong-wook
Korea Electronics Technology Institute (keti)
Jung Hyeok-koo
Digital Media Research Center Korea Electronics Technology Institute (keti)
Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)
SONG Byoung-Chul
Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)
JUNG Hyeok-Koo
Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)
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