Irsogladine upregulates expressions of connexin32 and connexin26 in the rat liver
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-07-01
DK Dhar
Dhar D.k.
島根医科大学 第2外科
El-assal Osama
島根医科大学 外科学第2
El-assal Osama
Second Department Of Surgery Shimane Medical University
Dhar Dipok
松江生協病院 外科
Dhar Dipok
島根大学 第2外科
Dhar Dipok
Second Department Of Surgery Shimane Medical University
Ueda Fusao
Discovery Research Laboratories Ii Nippon Shinyaku Company Limited
Dhar Dk
島根医科大学 第2外科
Dhar D.
島根医科大学 第2外科
Kumar Dhar
島根医科大学 第2外科
El-assal Osama
島根医科大学 外科学第2講座
Kohno Hitoshi
Saga Kouseikan Hospital
Second Department of Surgery, Shimane Medical University
KOHNO Hitoshi
Second Department of Surgery, Shimane Medical University
Second Department of Surgery, Shimane Medical University
Kubota Hirofumi
Saga Kouseikan Hospital
Nagasue Naofumi
Second Department Of Surgery Shimane Medical University
Nakashima Yuichi
Second Department Of Surgery Shimane Medical University
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