- 論文の詳細を見る
Semithin sections have been used for the study of the fine structure of cells and tissues by light microscopy, correlation with light and electron microscopy and high voltage electron microscopy in the primates.In order to examine semithin sections under a light and an electron microscope including a high voltage electron microscope, some embedding methods employing water-miscible methacrylates and epoxy resins have been developed. These embedding methods have been devised for ease in embedding, infiltration, sectioning and staining. Staining with basic and acids dye is sharp and brilliant by light microscopy. Various histochemical reagents have been found suitable for use with semithin sections.The same cell or structure can be identified in a semithin section when it is examined under an electron microscope after observation by light microscopy. Each type of microscope has both advantages and limitations. Low resolving power is a serious limitation in light microscopy, although it allows the visualization of large area, structures or tissues. Examination under electron microscopy allows the detailed cellular structures with the difficulty of the orientation in the specimen. The limitations of one type of microscopy can be circumvented by using an additional microscopical system. Correlation methods are, therefore, useful in resolving doubts in the correct interpretation of a microscopic image in the study of the primates.An additional advantage of semithin sections is the study for the three-dimensional structures, which can be combined with high voltage electron microscopy. In some studies, the information of the three-dimensional structures is necessary.The approaches are applicable to solving divergent problems in primatology.
- 日本霊長類学会の論文
- 1995-06-01
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