Effectiveness of Muscimol-containing Microparticles against Pilocarpine-induced Focal Seizures
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-12-01
Zurakowski David
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Children's Hospital And Harvard Medical School
Zurakowski David
Departments Of Biostatistics And Orthopaedic Surgery Children's Hospital
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Harvard Medical School
HOLMES Gregory
Department of Neurology, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Neurology, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Chau Ying
Department Of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Kohane Daniel
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Massgeneral Hospital For Children Harvard Medical School
Robert Langer
Langer Robert
Langer Robert
Department Of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Holmes Gregory
Department Of Neurology Children's Hospital
Holmes Gregory
Department Of Neurology Children's Hospital Harvard Medical School
Ho Cha
Department Of Neurology Children's Hospital Harvard Medical School
Zurakowski David
Department Of Biostatistics Children's Hospital
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