- 論文の詳細を見る
Simple water purifier comprising 6 columns where high-temperature oak charcoal was filled was constructed as prototype. Rain water, artificial cistern water and artificial water to which Fe3+, Cu2+, methylene blue pigment (MB) were added were continuously applied to the columns. Using none energy, the unit allowed water to be deal with at a rate of 120 litter per hour. At the stage of final water purification water with pH 6.7, which was filtered through the columns, was obtained. To the extent that the amount of the water reached 170 litter after the application of water was started, dissolution was noted with the Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ which originated from the constituents in the cells of the high-temp. charcoal. NH4+, Cl-, NO3- and SO42- were successful in passing through the columns. On the other hand, Fe3+, Cu2+, MB, bacteria 78%, and coliform 50% were adsorbed on the said charcoal. By adding a distillated bamboo-vinegar liquid to the crude liquid of the artificial cistern water and its final purified water, pasteurization effect of bacteria and coliform was examined. From this result, it is explained that the effect, which was noted with the 5% bamboo-vinegar liquid concentration to a certain degree, was utterly low with the land 2% liquids. However combination of utilization of this unit and employment of the bamboo-vinegar liquid was far from sufficiency in complying with the standard required for a drinking water system for practical use.
- 社団法人 日本水環境学会の論文
- 2002-05-10
木幡 進
種村 公平
小幡 進
山本 栄人
春崎 こず恵
山本 栄人
有限会社 ナンユー
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