顎口腔系の状態と全身状態との関連に関する研究 : 水平的顎間関係位の変位が頸部後屈力,頸部周囲筋および咀噛筋の筋活動量に及ぼす影響
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In contact sports such as rugby and American football, there are injuries to the head, neck, and oral regions when playing sports due to collision of the body and sports goods.<BR>Interest is growing in the prevention of trauma and injuries due to contact sports, according to the increasing use of mouth protectors.<BR>It is thought that the wearing of inappropriate mouth protectors can affect both athletic performance and bodily functions and can even lead to serious injuries.<BR>In this study, several types of upper jaw resin splint were used in various horizontal maxillomandibular positions to investigate their influence on the cervical neck muscles. The effects on cervical back strength and the activity of the neck and mastication muscles were observed.<BR>The results suggested that positional changes in the horizontal maxillomandibular affect cervical back strength and the activity of the neck and mastication muscles.<BR>Therefore, it seems important to select an appropriate mandibular position when wearing a mouth protector.
- 1998-10-10
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- 顎口腔系の状態と全身状態との関連に関する研究 : 水平的顎間関係位の変位が頸部後屈力,頸部周囲筋および咀噛筋の筋活動量に及ぼす影響