健常者の咬頭嵌合位における咬合接触状態の三次元解析 : 上顎臼歯について
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the three-dimensional occlusal contacts in intercuspal position in normal adults and to discuss the criteria of occlusion in upper premolars and molars. The silicone occlusal registration was taken for five normal adults without both caries and restoration at 30% of maximum voluntary clenching in the intercuspal position. The silicone occlusal registraion was digitized by a noncontact three-dimensional form measuring device. The three-dimensional data were analyzed by computeraided design (CAD) software with a personal computer. The frame of reference was established using the upper occlusal plane. The occlusal contact area was calculated for an intraocclusal distance of less than 60μm.The occlusal surface of the upper first and second premolar was classified into foun parts, buccal cusp, lingual cusp, mesial marginal ridge, and distal marginal ridge. The occlusal surface of upper first and second molar was classified into six parts, mesial buccal cusp, distal buccal cusp, mesial lingual cusp, distal lingual cusp, mesial marginal ridge, and distal marginal ridge. The number, rate, and orientation of occlusal contacts were analyzed. The region and orientation of the most frequent occlusal contact area of upper premolars and molars in normal adults were indicated.
- 社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 2000-04-10
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