On latitudinal profile of Storm Sudden Commencement in H, Y and Z at Indian Geomagnetic Observatory chain
Rao D
Indian Inst. Geomagnetism Mumbai Ind
Rao D.
Indian Institute Of Geomagnetism
Rastogi R
Gujarat Univ. Ahmedabad Ind
National Geophysical Research Institute
Department of Physics,Gujarat University
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Pathan B
Indian Institute Of Geomagnetism
Rastogi R.
Department Of Physics And Space Sciences Gujarat University
- Equatorial Counter-Electrojet and Magnetic Pulsations
- On latitudinal profile of Storm Sudden Commencement in H, Y and Z at Indian Geomagnetic Observatory chain
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- Magnetospheric Contribution to Low Latitude Sq Variation
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- On the Disintegration of the Vortex Structure of Ionospheric Current System along Asian Longitude Sector
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- Comments on the paper entitled "Daily variations of geomagnetic H, D and Z-fields at equatorial latitudes by F. N. Okeke and Y. Hamano"
- Polarisation Characteristics of Pulsations Associated with Storm Sudden Commencements
- Longitudinal effects in geomagnetic disturbances at mid-latitudes
- Characteristics of the equatorial electrojet current in the central region of South America
- Frequency dependence of equatorial electrojet effect on geomagnetic micropulsations
- A Result on Pc 3-4 Waves in the Indian Equatorial Region
- Identification of the Current System Associated with a Partially Reversed Equatorial Electrojet
- Seasonal evolution of S_q current system at sub-auroral latitude
- Longitudinal effects in geomagnetic disturbances at mid-latitudes