Genetic Defects and Diabetes Mellitus-Defects of Glucokinase Gene and Mitochondrial Gene in Diabetic patients
Oka Yoshitomo
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Yamaguchi University School Of Medicine
Oka Yoshitomo
The Third Depertment Of Internal Medicine Yamaguchi University
- Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) dependent hematopoiesis with monosomy 7 in a patient with severe aplastic anemia after ATG/CsA/G-CSF combined therapy
- A Case of Erythrocyte membrane Protein 4.2 Deficiency with Coombs Negative Hemolytic Anemia
- Insulin Binding of Erythrocytes in Hypoinsulinemic Diabetics and its Relationship to Metabolic States
- Genetic Defects and Diabetes Mellitus-Defects of Glucokinase Gene and Mitochondrial Gene in Diabetic patients