The Auroral Zone in Historic Times - The Northern UK Was in the Auroral Zone 300 Years Ago -
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University
Oguti T.
Solar-terrestrial Environment Laboratory Nagoya University
- Characteristics of Magnetic Variations Caused by Low-Latitude Aurorae Observed around 210^. Magnetic Meridian
- Auroral Observations Using Automatic Optical Instruments : Relations with Multiple Pi 2 Magnetic Pulsations
- Low-Latitude Auroras Observed at Moshiri and Rikubetsu (L=1.6) during Magnetic Storms on February 26, 27, 29, and May 10, 1992
- A Note on the Auroral Frequency Charts by Fritz and Vestine
- The Auroral Zone in Historic Times - The Northern UK Was in the Auroral Zone 300 Years Ago -
- Auroral Occurrences in Norwegian Archives
- Preliminary Results of Auroral Dynamics Observed by the ATV-VIS Imager aboard EXOS-D (AKEBONO)
- Magnetosphere Inflation due to Equatorial Ring Current