- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of undernutrition on development of cadmium (Cd) poisoning were investigated in mice over a long experimental period ranging from 29 days to 24 months. The study was designed to examine low in calcium, low in vitamin D and low in vitamin E diets, which were considered neither to induce lesions of Ca, vitamin D and vitamin E deficiency nor innutrition.Twenty-nine-day-old female ICR strain mice were separated into 7 groups and different diets were given to each group. Group I a commercial diet (Intact), Group II a low in Ca and low in D diet, Group III a low in Ca, low in D and low in E diet, Group IV a low in Ca, low in D and 20ppm Cd diet, Group V a low in Ca, low in D and 40ppm Cd diet, Group VI a low in Ca, low in D, low in E and 20ppm Cd diet and Group VII a low in Ca, low in D, low in E and 40ppm Cd diet.Using X-rays of the hind legs, the bone density was measured at the middle of the femur employing a densitometer; effects of the undernutrition and the cadmium-added diet on bone density were investigated referring to five indices: 1) peaks of the density of the middle of the bone cortex (h1, h2) (the maximum density of the bone cortex (h1+h2)/2 [hmax]), 2) the lowest density of the middle of the bone marrow (h3) (the minimum density of the bone marrow [hmin]), 3) the bone cortical width (d1+d2), 4) the bone marrow width (d) and 5) the cortical bone index (the ratio of cortical bone width to bone width. [CBI]).The long-term effects of cadmium.a) Comparisons among groups II, IV and V.At 18 months it was found in group IV that hmax and d were small, while hmin, d1+d2 and CBI were not appreciably different compared with group II. In group V hmin, d1+d2 and CBI were small, and hmax and d were not appreciably different compared with group IV.At 24 months it was found in group IV that hmin and d were small, whereas hmax, d1+d2 and CBI were not appreciably different compared with group II. In group V hmax and hmin were small, d was large, and d1+d2 and CBI showed no appreciably different compared with group IV.b) Comparisons among groups III, VI and VII.At 18 months it was found in group VI that hmax and hmin were small, d1+d2 and CBI were large, and d was not appreciably different compared with group III. In group VII hmax, hmin, d1+d2 and CBI were small, and d was large, compared with group IV.At 24 months it was found in group VI that hmax, d1+d2, d and CBI were small, and that hmin was not appreciably different compared with group III. In group VII d was small, and hmax, hmin, d1+d2 and CBI were not appreciably different compared with group VI.The Cd concentration exhibited essentially the same pattern as aging.We concluded from these results that aging progressed quickest in the 40ppm Cd-administrationlow-Ca, D, E diet.The diets promoted the effects of Cd in the following order: low Ca, D, E diet>low Ca, D diet.These results indicate that Cd promotes aging of bone.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
- 1995-08-15
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