Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Tokyo Bay
Kawabe Masaki
Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Kawabe Mi
Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Tokyo University of Fisheries
- Dynamic Structure of the Kuroshio South of Kyushu in Relation to the Kuroshio Path Variations
- Characteristics of Variations of Water Properties and Density Structure around the Kuroshio in the East China Sea
- Monitoring of Generation and Propagation of the Kuroshio Small Meander Using Sea Level Data along the Southern Coast of Japan
- Monitoring of Position of the Kuroshio Axis in the Tokara Strait Using Sea Level Data
- Variations of the Kuroshio Axis South of Kyushu in Relation to the Large Meander of the Kuroshio
- Correction Method for Full-Depth Current Velocity with Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP)
- Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Tokyo Bay
- Factors Determining Chemical Oxygen Demand in Tokyo Bay