Feeding Design for Intensively Reared Larval and Juvenile Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Society of Fisheries Scienceの論文
- 1999-12-01
Ohashi H
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo
OHASHI Hiroshi
Division of Quantum Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Takizawa Kei
Department of Cardiology.Koshigaya Hospital, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
Ohashi Hiroshi
Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd
Ohashi Hiroshi
Yamaguchi Gaikai Sea Farming Center
Takizawa Kei
Department Of Applied Aquabiology National Fisheries University
Yamaguchi Gaikai Sea Farming Center
Yamaguchi Gaikai Sea Farming Center
Takami T
Yamaguchi Gaikai Sea Farming Center
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