X-Ray Spectroscopy of Centaurus X-3 with ASCA over an Eclipse
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 1996-06-25
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama Gakuin University
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University
Nagase F
Inst. Space And Astronautical Science Kanagawa
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA/GSFC
KAMIJO Shunsuke
The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Ebisawa K
Jaxa Kanagawa
Ebisawa Ken
Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center
Ebisawa Ken
Laboratory For High Energy Astrophysics Nasa/gsfc
NAGASE Fumiaki
The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Researches(RIKEN)
NAGASE Fumiaki
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Kitamoto Shunji
Department Of Earth And Space Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Kitamoto Shunji
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
Shunji Kitamoto
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
Kotani Taro
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
DAY Charles
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA/GSFC
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA/GSFC
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
WOO Jonathan
Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nagase F
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science (isas) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (jaxa)
Nagase Fumiaki
Department Of Astrophysics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Nagase F
The Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Woo Jonathan
Center For Space Research Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Kallman Timothy
Laboratory For High Energy Astrophysics Nasa/gsfc
Nagase F
Inst. Space And Astronautical Sci. Kanagawa
Kamijo Shunsuke
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
Kanemaru Takehiro
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kawashima Kenji
Department Of Earth And Space Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Kawashima Kenji
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Day Charles
Laboratory For High Energy Astrophysics Nasa/gsfc
Ebisawa Ken
Department of Space Science Information Analysis, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
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