Quantification of Sulfur in Copper by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry(SIMS)
Nakada Yoshinobu
Central Research Institute Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
MINE Kazuhisa
Central Research Institute, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
KOUTSUKA Toshimoto
Central Research Institute, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
SASSA Koichi
Central Research Institute, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Sassa Koichi
Central Research Institute Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Mine Kazuhisa
Central Research Institute Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Koutsuka Toshimoto
Central Research Institute Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Nakada Yoshinobu
Central Research Institute, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
- Nitridation of Gaps (001) Surface Studied by Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Nitridation of GaAs(001) Surface Studied by Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Energy Shifts of Auger Transitions of Ga, As and N during Plasma-assisted Nitridation of GaAs (001) Surface
- Quantification of Sulfur in Copper by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry(SIMS)
- Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy at 1,000kV