Self maps of spaces Dedicated to Professor Tsuyoshi Watabe on his sixtieth birthday
Morisugi Kaoru
Department Of Mathematics Faculty Of Education Wakayama University
OSHIMA Hideaki
Department of Mathematics, Osaka City University
Oshima Hideaki
Department Of Mathematics Osaka City University
Oshima Hideaki
Department Of Mathematical Sciences Ibaraki University
HEMMI Yutaka
Department of Mathematics Kochi University
Department of Mathematics Wakayama University
Hemmi Yutaka
Department Of Mathematics And Information Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University @page 159-165
- On the stable Hurewicz image of some stunted projective spaces,3
- On the Stable Hurewicz Image of Some Stunted Projective Spaces, II : Dedicated to Professor N. Shimada on his 60th birthday
- Lifting to mod2 Moore spaces Dedicated to the memory of Professor Katsuo Kawakubo
- Cohomology Classification of Self Maps of Sphere Bundles over Spheres : Dedicated to Professor Yasutoshi Nomura on his 60th birthday
- On Stable Homotopy Types of Some Stunted Spaces
- On the Group of Equivariant Self Equivalences of Free Actions : Dedicated to Professor Masahiro Sugawara on his 60th Birthday
- Self homotopy groups of Hopf spaces with at most three cells
- Self maps of spaces Dedicated to Professor Tsuyoshi Watabe on his sixtieth birthday
- A Remark on Almost-Quaternion Substructures on the Sphere : Dedicated to Professor Minoru Nakaoka on his 60th birthday
- Higher homotopy commutativity and the resultohedra