Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama | 論文
- Dielectric,Dilatometric and AC Calorimetric Studies of a New Phase Transition in (CH_3NH_3)NaSO_4・6H_2O
- Soliton in a Random System
- Experiment on Solitary Wave in a Symmetric Electric Circuit
- Self-Modulation and Self-Focusing of Ion Wave in Two-Electron-Temperature Plasma
- Hydrothermal Reaction of Glucose and Glycine as Model Compounds of Biomass (特集:バイオマス資源のエネルギー利用)
- Organic Compounds Formed by Thermochemical Degradation of Glucose-Glycine Melanoidins Using Hot Compressed Water
- Hot Compressed Water Treatment for Production of Charcoal from Wood
- Analysis of Effluent after Anaerobic Digestion of Liquid Phase Separated from Liquidized Garbage
- Einige Losungen der Nichtlinearen Gleichung des Zwei-Dimensionalen Toda-Gitters
- Solutions of Two-and Three-Dimensional Toda Lattice Equations in Terms of Various Forms of Bessel Functions
- The Backlund Transformation for the Generalized Toda Lattice Equation
- Invariant Varieties of Periodic Points for Some Higher Dimensional Integrable Maps(General)
- A Possible Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation in Band-Crossing Region:Occurrence Mechanism of s-Band
- Quantum Nonlinear Resonance : Nuclear Physics
- Highly Active Delaminated Ti-MWW for Epoxidation of Bulky Cycloalkenes with Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hydrothermal Synthesis of a Novel Titanosilicate with MWW Topology
- Behavior of Triphenylethylene Dianion in Diethyl Ether Solution
- Selective Selenate Adsorption on Cationated Amino-Functionalized MCM-41
- Oxyanion Adsorptions by Mono-, Di-, and Triamino-Functionalized MCM-48
- Capture of Chromate and Arsenate by Amino Groups in Functionalised SBA-1