Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Collusion Secure Codes : Systematic Security Definitions and Their Relations(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- Clone Match Rate Evaluation for an Artifact-metric System (特集:新たな脅威に立ち向かうコンピュータセキュリティ技術)
- 関東地方における社寺林の残存状況と約30年間の種数・種組成の変化
- 照葉樹環境保全林における二酸化炭素固定量推定に関する研究--照葉樹環境保全林の地上部現存量
- ブラジル国アマゾンのアクリ州における持続可能な森林管理および熱帯林回復のための植生生態学的研究
- Effectiveness of a Short-Term Steroid Treatment on the Reduction in Goiter Size in Antithyroid Drug-Treated Patients with Graves' Disease
- Metrics of Error Locating Codes
- Phytosociological study of deciduous Quercus forest in the warm-temperate zone of China: primary study of different kinds of Quercus communities
- Vegetation structure, diversity and site conditions in the south of the Diambour Forest Reserve, southeastern Senegal (West Africa)
- A vegetation-ecological study of deciduous broad-leaved forests in Heilongjiang Province, China: species composition, structure, distribution and phytosociological scheme
- Species richness, community structure and other characteristics of a tropical rainforest in the Southwestern Amazon, Acre, Brazil
- Recovery of lowland Dipterocarp forests under the Malayan uniform system
- Vegetation and Landscapes of Georgia (Caucasus), as a Basis for Landscape Restoration
- Biotope Mapping and Nature Conservation in Cities Part 2:Results of Pilot Study in the Urban Agglomeration of Tokyo (Yokohama City)
- An Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest in Transitional Eastern China
- Restoration of Natural Environment by Creation of Environmental Protection Forests in Urban Areas : Growth and development of environmental protection forests on the Yokohama National University campus
- Towards Harmonious Green Urban Environments in Japan and Other Countries
- Analysis of Computation Error in Antenna's Simulation by Using Non-Uniform Mesh FDTD
- Fabrication of Microchannel with Thin Cover Layer for an Optical Waveguide MEMS Switch Based on Microfluidics(Micro/Nano Photonic Devices,Microoptomechatronics)
- Data Model and Architecture of Multimedia Database for Engineering Applications