Biotope Mapping and Nature Conservation in Cities Part 2:Results of Pilot Study in the Urban Agglomeration of Tokyo (Yokohama City)
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Biotope mapping involves an investigation of flora, vegetation, fauna and their habitats within the context of nature conservation. Biotope mapping is done in many European cities. The results are an important basis for nature conservation and infrastructure planning. In contrast, similar standardized investigations so far do not exist in Japan. Therefore, in the urban agglomeration of Tokyo--Yokohama, a pilot study was started in the summer of 1996 in order to test this method in Japan. Two test areas were selected : area 1 around the campus of the Yokohama National University and area 2 around Minato Mirai. These areas were selected for two reasons: 1) actual data of flora and vegetation already exist for the university campus; 2) the areas include many different land-use types, which are typical for the agglomeration of Tokyo. For the investigation ,a modification of the representative mapping method was used. After the investigation of the land-use types and after checking the biologically rich areas, an evaluation was done. In this way, areas worthy of protection were selected and described in more detail by standardized forms. The high number of biotopes worthy of protection in test area 2 is remarkable, when one compares the two test areas. By reasons are the hilly morphology and the development of settlements in recent times, areas with a steeper slope especially remained for spontaneous nature, mainly secondary forests as the dominant biotope type, followed by grass-dominated has been settled for a long time, only a few areas remained for nature. Dominant biotope types worthy or protection are mainly parks and herbaceous ruderal vegetation. The pilot study show the, by using this method, many information can be collected in a relatively short time, which is important for nature conservation in the city. Each biotope type is very important for ecosystems, but, a hierarchy for evaluation of biotope types is needed, because the Japanese land area is narrow and limited. Which kind of biotopes are more important and which should have priority for protection. These kind of studies should be continued.
- 1998-03-01
藤原 一繪
藤原 一絵
Fujiwara Kazue
Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama‐shi Jpn
藤原 一繪
Department Of Vegetation Science Institute Of Environmental Science And Technology Yokohama National
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