Yamanashi Institute of Environmental Sciences | 論文
- NOAA/AVHRRデータとLANDSAT/TMデータのスケーリングによる土地被覆の画素内面積比率推定
- 植生・土壌・水(VSW)指数アルゴリズムの開発とその応用
- 異空間分解能データにおけるVSW指数の比較(その2)
- 時系列NDVIデータのフーリエスペクトルを用いた東アジアの土地被覆分類
- P03) イノシシの果樹園の利用実態(ポスター発表, 野生生物保護学会 2002 年大会大会報告 : 講演要旨)
- 富士北麓剣丸尾溶岩流上のアカマツ林の起源
- Diurnal changes in leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in tropical tree species with contrasting light requirements
- P25 富士北麓に生息するニホンテンとキツネの食性とニホンテンの行動圏(予報)(ポスター発表,講演要旨,野生生物保護学会2004年大会大会報告)
- Effects of habitat feature, antenna position, movement, and fix interval on GPS radio collar performance in Mount Fuji, central Japan
- Sexual Variations in Food Quality and Gastrointestinal Features of Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) in Japan During Winter : Implications for Feeding Strategy(Ecology)
- Bark stripping by sika deer on veitch fir related to stand age, bark nutrition, and season in northern Mount Fuji district, central Japan
- Small-scale species richness and its spatial variation in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- 富士山北麓における人工巣を利用したフクロウの繁殖生態と給餌食物の調査
- Plant cover estimation based on the beta distribution in grassland vegetation
- Spatial heterogeneity in a grassland community : Use of power law
- Seasonal pattern of photosynthetic production in a subalpine evergreen herb, Pyrola incarnata
- Biomass and net primary production of a Pinus densiflora forest established on a lava flow of Mt. Fuji in central Japan
- Taxonomic Diversity of Actinomycetes Isolated from Swine Manure Compost
- Altitudinal changes in Rubisco and APX activities in Aconogonum weyrichii in the alpine region of Mt. Fuji
- Diversity and rarity hotspots and conservation of butterfly communities in and around the Aokigahara woodland of Mount Fuji, central Japan