Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University | 論文
- Farsightedness (presbyopia) in a wild elderly chimpanzee : The first report
- Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinghai, China IV : Comparison of food diversity and its relation to health of Han and Tibetan elderly
- Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinghai, China, III : Oxidative stress and aging in Tibetan and Han elderly highlanders
- Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinghai, China II : The association of polycythemia with lifestyle-related diseases among the three ethnicities
- Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinghai, China I : Activities of daily living, quality of life and metabolic syndrome
- Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Egyptian Pigeon Breeds
- Ranging behavior of Mahale chimpanzees : a 16 year study