University of Michigan | 論文
- High Efficiency Organic Polymer Light-Emitting Heterostructure Devices on the Flexible Plastic Substrates(2.1 有機EL関連)(2.報告概要)(Report on the 19th International Display Research Conference(Euro Display '99))(
- Introduction to the International Symposium on African Great Apes
- ミシガン大学の東南アジア研究
- Magnetohydrodynamic Channel Flow of Suspension
- Financing the Ideal Long-Term Care System through Social Insurance
- Use of the wound healing trajectory as an outcome determinant for acute wound healing
- Target Safety Levels for Design and Evaluation of Bridges(Mechanics, Strength & Structure Design, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- RGDS Peptide-Modified Scaffold for Enhanced Bone Tissue Engineering
- The Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Loud Calls : Acoustic Adaptation for Long-distance Transmission
- Planetary bow shocks: Asymptotic MHD Mach cones
- Wind observations of the terrestrial bow shock : 3-D shape and motion
- P-65 マウス短腸症候群モデルにおける腸管アダプテーションに対するDPP4阻害薬投与の有用性(研究・その他1,ポスターセッション,第48回日本小児外科学会学術集会)
- Level sets and stable manifold approximations for perceptually driven non-holonomically constrained navigation
- Unsteady Thermal Fields in a Rotating Drum with Inner Surface Heating
- Thermal Visualization in Forced Convection through Circular Cylinders
- Visualization of Unsteady Convection in a Rotating Drum with Inner Surface Heating
- 5.3 : Electrical Reliability of Two- and Four- a-Si : HTFT Pixel Electrode Circuits for Active-Matrix OLEDs(2.2 Session 5 : EL AND OLEDs)(Report on the 20th International Display Research Conference)
- Wake Flows in the Gap between Two Rectangular Cylinders
- Wake Flow behind a Diamond-Shaped Cylinder
- 3SP6-02 Dynamical NMR Structures and Functional Insights of Cytochrome-b5 and Amyloid Peptides(3SP6 Frontiers in analysis of three-dimnsional dynamic structures of membrane proteins,The 47th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)