University of Geneva | 論文
- 2p-E-4 200A・Gev/C硫黄・原子核衝突における粒子生成の研究
- 28a-Q-8 核子当たり200GeVの硫黄・原子核衝突実験
- First Evidence of Directed Flow at 158 A GeV Pb + Pb Collisions in WA98 Experiment
- 30a-ZQ-9 200A・GeV/c硫黄・原子核衝突における粒子生成の研究(NA44実験)
- 2a-SA-13 高エネルギー原子核衝突実験(CERN-NA44実験)のためのTOFホドスコープの製作とテスト結果
- 28pTB-3 Mechanisms of conduction at organic interfaces(Physics of low-dimensional pi-electron systems at interfaces and their functions for organic transistors)
- Summary of a recent workshop/conference report on validation and implementation of bioanalytical methods : Implications on manuscript review in the Journal of Chromatography B
- Editorial response to author review in publishing science
- Current status and inter-country perspectives related to low fertility levels in Japan, Korea and Switzerland : Implications for sustainable development
- 急熱急冷・変態法Nb_3Al線材の臨界電流の耐ひずみ特性
- Sample preparation and bioinformatics in MALDI profiling of urinary proteins
- 22pEA-12 周期的に変調する光格子中のフェルミ原子系における二重占有数成長率(22pEA 量子エレクトロニクス(Fermi粒子系の理論),領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- Tunnelling in Organic Superconductors(Yukawa International Seminar 2004 (YKIS2004) Physics of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems)
- First Evidence of Directed Flow at 158 A Gev Pb + Pb Collisions in WA98 Experiment
- 27pEE-7 Quantum dynamics of a single, mobile spin impurity