- Productivity Growth, Efficiency Change and Technical Change in Japanese Agriculture : 1965-1995
- Bilingual Cognitive Processing in a University Language Immersion Program
- Memories of Perpendicular Magnetic Recording
- Driving the Future of Dental Research
- Active Learning : Cooperation in the Classroom(Seminars Planned by the Organizing Committee)
- 鉄鉱石精鉱のペレタイジング
- Towards a Global Citizenry of More Savvy Language Consumers : Presentation for the Tokyo Chapter of JACET & Waseda University Students and Staff, Tokyo, Japan, December 20, 2004. (Presented in memory of Prof. Yoji Tanabe who passed away the previous day.)
- Letters to the Editor
- Meta-analysis for Orthopaedic Traumatic Conditions : A Lens and a Mirror
- High-Resolution Imaging in Epilepsy
- Factors Associated with Active Smoking, Quitting, and Secondhand Smoke Exposure among Pregnant Women in Greece
- Statistical Analysis of Self-organization
- Cooperative learning: successful integration of theory, research, and practice ([日本教育心理学会第49回総会]) -- (準備委員会企画特別講演)
- 28p-WB-3 Diffusion and growth on the Si(001)surface
- Orielltation Dependent Mechanical Breakdown of a Model High Polymer Solid
- Models of Long-term Care That Work
- Monopoles and Dyons in the Pure Einstein-Yang-Mills Theory in the Anti-de Sitter Space
- Use of Botulinum Toxin in the Management of Spasticity and Overactive Bladder
- Atrial Pacing Percentage and Its Effect on Mortality in ICD and CRT-D Patients