Tokyo University of Science | 論文
- Rigid Formation of Aligned Polymer Fiber Network in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- IR Analysis on Amyloids of Isotope-Labeled Amyloid β Peptides
- An Equivalent MOSFET Cell Using Adaptively Biased Source-Coupled Pair
- A Compact Low Voltage CMOS Exponential Current-to-Voltage Converter Free from Transconductance Parameter Matching between NMOS and PMOS(Analog Circuit and Device Technologies)
- Balanced Three-Phase Active-RC Tow-Thomas Biquad Complex Filter for Wireless Communication Systems
- Input-Feedforward Two-Path Band-Pass Delta-Sigma Modulator Based on Horizontal or Vertical Opamp Sharing Technique
- A High Impedance Current Source Using Active Resistor(Analog Circuits and Related SoC Integration Technologies)
- Mobility Reduction Cancellation Technique for OTA Using MOSFETs Operated in Triode and Saturation Regions(Analog Circuit and Device Technologies)
- 1P022 トランスフェリンとトランスフェリン受容体2との複合体形成における結合サイトの予測(蛋白質-構造,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P083 Kinetic study on binding of Fe (II) to transferrin and formation of Fe (III)-transferrin complex(30. Protein function (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Thermodynamic and Kinetic Effects of Morpholino Modification on Pyrimidine Motif Triplex Nucleic Acid Formation under Physiological Condition
- Photopolymerization-Induced Phase Separation Process of Thin Composite Films of Liquid Crystal and Polymer Fiber Networks
- Relationship of Polymer Molecular Weight and Cure Temperature in Photopolymerization-Induced Phase Separation of Liquid Crystal and Polymer Fiber Networks : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Smectic Layer Deformation of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Sandwiched between Polymer Walls with Anchoring Effects
- Effect of Strain on Ultrafine Ferrite Grains formed by Single-Pass Large Strain-High Z Deformation
- Waveform Analysis of Microwave Pulses Emitted in Association with Hypervelocity Impacts(Sensing,2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation)
- Cost-Efficient Sensor Placement for Full Coverage of 3D Indoor Space with Moving Obstacles
- Cost-Efficient Sensor Placement for Full Coverage of 3D Indoor Space with Moving Obstacles
- Size and Spatial Distributions of Sub-km Main-Belt Asteroids