Tokyo Univ. Agriculture Kanagawa Jpn | 論文
- Distribution of Immunocompetent Cells in Immuno-Organs of Horses
- Experimental fascioliasis in the rat-like hamster, Tscherskia triton, and other rodent hosts
- 山口県立山口博物館および狗留孫山修禅寺保存のチョウセントラの頭骨について
- 日本のモグラ類の生態
- 鳥類および哺乳類の皮膚培養法
- 富士・箱根地域における日本産モグラ類の地理的分布境界
- 日本産モグラ類2種,アズマモグラおよびコウベモグラにおける光の感受性に関する研究
- Cardiac Musculature of the Intrapulmonary Venous Wall as an Endocrine Organ of Atrial Natriuretic Polypeptide in Watase's Shrew (Crocidura watasei) and Musk Shrew (Suncus murinus)
- Chromosome homology between mouse and three Muridae species, Millardia meltada, Acomys dimidiatus and Micromys minutus, and conserved chromosome segments in murid karyotypes
- O-12. Karyotypic evolution and the ancestral karyotype of the Muridae inferred from comparative chromosome painting(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-23. Conserved chromosome synteny and the karyotype of the common ancestor inferred from comparative chromosome painting in the Murinae(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Resea
- Evolution and biogeography of talpid moles from continental East Asia and the Japanese islands inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences.
- Phylogenetic Relationships and Divergence Times among Mustelids (Mammalia : Carnivora) Based on Nucleotide Sequences of the Nuclear Interphotoreceptor Retinoid Binding Protein and Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Genes(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Karyotypic Evolution of Apodemus (Muridae, Rodentia) Inferred from Comparative FISH Analyses
- Identification of chromosome rearrangements between the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) and the Indian spiny mouse (Mus platythrix) by comparative FISH analysis
- Astegopteryx spinocephala (Hemiptera : Aphididae), a new aphid species producing sterile soldiers that guard eggs laid in their gall
- Molecular Cloning, Nucleotide Sequence and Tissue Distribution of Equine Testicular 3β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4 Isomerase Messenger Ribonucleid Acid
- Nuclear Transplantation of Mouse Inner Cell Mass and Trophectoderm Cells into Enucleated Two-Cell Embryos
- Phylogeographic patterning of mtDNA in the widely distributed harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) suggests dramatic cycles of range contraction and expansion during the mid- to late Pleistocene
- Intraspecific differentiation in the lesser Japanese mole in eastern Honshu, Japan, indicated by nuclear and mitochondrial gene analyses.