Tokyo Univ. Agriculture Kanagawa Jpn | 論文
- 本州中北部におけるヒメヒミズ個体群の分析
- 本州中北部におけるヒメヒミズ個体群の分析 (東北脊梁山地の自然史科学的総合研究-2-)
- 伊豆半島産ヒミズ個体群の分析
- 伊豆半島産ヒミズ個体群の分析 (富士・箱根・伊豆の自然史科学的総合研究-2-)
- 紀伊半島のキクガシラコウモリ Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (SCHREBER, 1774) と近隣小個体群の関係
- 常時流水のある側溝による小型哺乳類の落下・死亡
- 奄美群島産コウモリの2希種に関する分類学的解析〔英文〕 (奄美諸島・トカラ列島の自然史科学的総合研究-1-)
- Body temperature profiles of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae during winter aggregation
- Effects of Exercise on Density and Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Normal and Splenectomized Thoroughbred Horses
- Effects of Splenectomy for Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- Effects of Splenic Erythrocytes and Blood Lactate Levels on Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- Discovery of the Gall Generation of the Tropical Bamboo Aphid Pseudoregma carolinensis (Hemiptera) from Northern Thailand(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution)
- Cerataphis jamuritsu, a Subtropical Aphid Producing Soldiers in Large, Hard Galls (Homoptera)
- Sexuparae of the Bamboo Aphid Cerataphis bambusifoliae (Homoptera, Aphididae)
- Secondary Monoecy of the Gall Aphid Thecabius populimonilis (Homoptera)
- Tuberaphis leeuweni (Homoptera), a Tropical, Monoecious, Gall-forming Aphid with Soldier-like Nymphs
- Phylogeny of Cerataphidini Aphids Revealed by Their Symbiotic Microorganisms and Basic Structure of Their Galls : Implications for Host-Symbiont Coevolution and Evolution of Sterile Soldier Castes
- Taxonomic Position of the Aphid "Astegopteryx" takenouchii (Homoptera), with Notes on its Defenders on the Secondary Host
- Hamiltonaphis, a New Genus of the Aphid Tribe Cerataphidini (Homoptera)
- Distribution of Immunocompetent Cells in Equine Lymphoid Tissues