Tokyo Univ. | 論文
- 静電浮遊法とX 線非弾性散乱法を用いた液体シリコンの原子ダイナミクスの観察 (Liquid structure and transport properties of high temperature metallic Melts)
- 37 構成部材の弾塑性性状に基づいた,鉄筋コンクリート造骨組の弾塑性地震応答解析 : その1. 解析方法(1 構造)
- Visualization of Real-time 3D Force Sensor Information : Fast and intuitive approaches to display force fields
- 極厚鋼部材の脆性破壊 (その 2)
- Studies on Visceral Circulation : Normal Values of Visceral Circulation in Japanese and Its Variation by Age
- 30a-ZN-5 暈原子核による重イオン散乱
- Control of endotoxin shock by OK-432
- Radioprotective effect of coabination treatment of G-CSF and IL-i or OK-432 on mice after irradiation.
- Radio-protective effect of combination therapy with G-CSF and OX-432 on mouse after irradiation.
- Mobile Agent Control in Intelligent Space
- A Realization of Autonomous Rectilineal Movement on 6 D.O.F Parallel Micromanipulator
- A multi-institutional retrospective study of ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in the thoracic spine
- Resonant Interaction between a Marginally Unstable Mode and Neutral Modes in the Kelvin-Helmholtz Flow
- Surface Photovoltage of Modified Mesoporous Silica Film for N02 Gas Sensor
- 1P445 A brain activity to control switching among perceptual states for Ambiguous Apparent Motion(18. Neuro-infomatics,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- Lifetime risk estimate of breast cancer resulting from ionizing radiation exposure among Japanese women (2nd report)
- Lifetime risk estimate of breast cancer resulting from ionizing radiation exposure among Japanese women
- 21aWB-2 Dynamics of Learning in Multilayer Perceptrons near the Singularity
- Changes in erythropoietic activity after irradiation in OK-432 treated splenectomized mice.
- The effect of OK-432 on the X-ray induced suppressive erythropoiesis in splenectomized mice.