Tokai University School of Medicine | 論文
- Purification and Some Properties of β-Glucosidase from Streptomyces sp.(Biological Chemistry)
- Purification and Some Properties of β-1,3-Glucanase from Streptomyces sp.(Biological Chemistry)
- Relationship between Housing Environment and Allergic Symptoms of Children Using ATS-DLD Questionnaires
- An Improved Method for Analysis of Urinary Hydroxyproline by an Automated Analyzer
- Epidemiological Study on the Hydroxyproline Creatinine Ratio as an Index of Growth Rate
- Nicotine Promotes Therapeutic Vasculogenesis Through Anti-apoptotic Effect on Endothelial Progenitor Cells(Smoking 2 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Measurement of Atmospheric NO_2 Concentrations in Antarctica with NO_2 Filter Badge and Tube
- ブドウ糖とグリシンの胃排出に対する影響
- Serial Intravascular Ultrasound Observation of the Behavior of Coronary Artery During a Positive Spasm Provocation Test
- Personal Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide and Its Relation to Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality
- A Simple Method to Improve the Odds in Finding 'Lead-Like' Compounds from Chemical Libraries
- Quality of Life in the Ederly People and Psychosomatic Medicine
- Determinants of Indoor NO_2-concentration and the Personal Exposures of Children and Their Mothers in Japanese Homes
- Guanine Levels in House Dust as a Means of Estimating the Mite Population
- Respiratory Symptoms in School Children and the Role of Passive Smoking
- LS5 Invitation to Psycho-Oncology : Psychological Perspectives of Cancer Patients(ISPOG2007)
- Congratulatory Address(3)
- Trends in modern shoulder surgery : personal observations
- A simple method preventing tangling of the guidewires during percutaneous coronary intervention for bifurcation lesions
- Potential difficulty for accurate categorization of drug-eluting stent thrombosis without coronary angiography : unignorable involvement of the cases with new onset acute myocardial infarction occurred in target vessels