Tokai Univ. Hiratsuka Jpn | 論文
- High Responsiveness Induced by Palladium Deposition on Thin Film Actuator of LaNi_5 Hydrogen Storage Alloy
- Improved Response Time of a Thin Film Hydrogen Storage Alloy Unimorph Structure after Platinum Surface Treatment
- Improved Strength in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics due after Electron Beam Irradiation
- 水素吸蔵合金の微粉化挙動に関する評価法
- 圧縮応力を負荷したPZTの衝突疲労限の研究
- かいわれ大根の発芽と成長に及ぼすトルマリンの効果
- LaNi_5水素吸蔵材料の水素吸収特性に及ぼす電子線照射の影響
- Ti-50at%Al合金の高温における析出相に関する特性
- スマートマテリアルズとしてのトルマリン
- Analysis of Water-Stable Soil Aggregates with Special Reference to Degree of Aggregation
- 616 EB-Strengthening of Carbon reinforced plastics
- 614 Aircraft design tensile strength of carbon fiber irradiated by EB
- 613 High spring constant of C/C coil treated by EB
- Decay of misting-free TiO_2 mirror irradiated by electron beam
- コーヒーの味と成分に及ぼすトルマリンの効果
- Cu系形状記憶合金の変態点に及ぼす Shot peening の影響
- 電子線照射によるY系酸化物超伝導体のT_cへの影響
- ランダム化処理したFe-4at%Cr-10at%Si-15at%Bの高耐食性
- Flutter of a Soft Plate in Channel Flow : Fundamental Study on Palatal Flutter
- A Study of the Characteristic Analysis of High-speed Journal Bearings : Optimum Design of Journal Bearings : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry