Tohoku Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Sendai | 論文
- Nilvadipine attenuates mesangial expansion and glomerular hypertrophy in diabetic db/db mice, a model for type 2 diabetes
- Functional genomics in nephrology: construction and application of bioinformatics
- Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the Japanese general population
- Investigation of Intramolecular Pauson-Khand Reaction of 2-Aryl-1,6- and 1-Methyl-1,7-enynes (exo-Olefins) and 1-Phenyl-1-octen-7-yne (endo-Olefin)
- Intramolecular Pauson-Khand Reaction of Various 2-Aryl-1,6-Enynes : Synthesis of Bicyclic Compounds Bearing Quaternary Carbon Center
- 昭和53(1978)年度の小学6年生はなぜ身長が低かったのか?--仙台市児童・生徒の体位データベースから
- 多種化学物質への低濃度日常曝露の時代の衛生学
- The Effect of Prenatal Methylmercury Exposure on the GSH Level and Lipid Peroxidation in the Fetal Brain and Placenta of Mice
- Effects of Mild Chronic Heat Exposure on the Concentrations of Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances, Glutathione, and Selenium, and Glutathione Peroxidase Activity in the Mouse Liver
- Microwave Digestion Using Dual PTFE Containers for Analysis of Trace Elements in Small Amounts of Biological Samples
- Analysis of Trace Elements in the Central Nerve Tissues with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
- PL 環境化学物質への胎児期ばく露の出生後の影響 : 子どもの健康と環境に関する全国調査(エコチル調査)への期待(特別講演)
- 環境科学会学術賞を受賞して : "マー兄ちゃん"に推薦された学術賞
- Effect of Zinc Deficiency on the Behavior of Metallothionein-I, II Knockout Mice
- O1-E-9 母親の日常養育態度と子どもの腹痛症状の関連性(消化器,一般口演,今,心身医学に求められるもの-基礎から臨床まで-,第52回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- Seroreactivity clarification and viral Load quantification in HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections in Ghana
- 13.小児機能性腸障害と脳幹刺激反応性ならびに両親養育態度の関連(一般演題,第68回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 生物学的モニタリングのための血漿および赤血球膜リン脂質中長鎖多価不飽和脂肪酸の比較
- 日本語版不適応行動尺度の作成の試み