The University Museum, The University of Tokyo | 論文
- Anatomy and histology of the stomach in a newborn pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis)
- The brachial plexus adapted to the semi-elongated neck in the okapi
- Three-Dimensional CT Examination of the Mastication System in the Giant Anteater
- A record of acorn eating by sika deer in western Japan
- Functional strategies of the hindlimb muscles in the mouse deer
- Phylogenetic relationships among populations of the mouse deer in the Southeast Asian Region from the nucleotide sequence of cytochrome b gene
- Localization of the Cytochrome P450 Side-Chain Cleavage Enzyme in the Inactive Testis of the Naked Mole-Rat
- 霊長類をはじめとする頭骨標本に関する三次元CTデータの収集, 分析, 公開について
- 動物園での研究の第一歩
- Multivariate analyses of the skull size and shape in the five geographical populations of the lesser false vampire
- シロイヌナズナの根における成長基盤の数理モデルによる解析
- 屋久島の老齢ニホンザルの死因および寄生虫感染の報告
- Cytological Studies of 4 Species of the Genus Kobresia (Cyperaceae) Collected from Nepal Himalaya
- Comparative analysis of the glabellar region morphology of the late Pleistocene Minatogawa crania : a three-dimensional approach
- Influence of size and placement of developing teeth in determining anterior corpus height in prehistoric Jomon and modern Japanese mandibles
- かたちの学校15
- Phylogenetics of Petaurista in light of specimens collected from northern Vietnam
- Immunohistochemical localization of the cytoskeletal proteins in the testes of the lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus)
- インタビュー 好奇心の広がりに変異で応える 人と家畜の果てしないキャッチボール (特集 生き物の多様性と日本文化)
- 大学を蝕む創意なき拝金と模倣 (特集 この大いなる違和感)