The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University | 論文
- Using of Close Range Photogrammetry for Interrill Soil Erosion Quantification
- Effect of Nitrate on Phosphorus Mobilization from Bottom Sediment in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes
- Does Kitchen Garden and Backyard Livestock Farming Help Combat Food Insecurity? : An example of Nepalese households
- Role of non-farm sector in poverty and income distribution among rural households : a case of Nepal
- Technical Efficiency of Rural Nepalese Farmers as Affected by Farm Family Education and Extension Services
- Agricultural Subsidy Reduction and the Fate of Net Food Importing Poor Countries
- Detoxification of α-tomatine by tomato pathogens Alternaria alternata tomato pathotype and Corynespora cassiicola and its role in infection
- Situational Analysis of Successes, Challenges and Failures of Irrigation Farming in Malawi : A Case Study Based on Four Major Irrigation Schemes; Bwanje Valley Irrigation Scheme, Domasi Irrigation Scheme, Likangala Irrigation Scheme and Kasinthula Smallho
- Nuclear behavior during the formation of appressoria by Alternaria alternata
- Hyphal anastomosis and complementary growth of fused cells in Alternaria alternata
- Cloning and Characterization of the Gene for CPD Photolyase of Spinach
- Cloning and Characterization of the Gene for CPD Photolyase of Spinach
- Factors Influencing Crop Diversification in Sri Lanka
- Determinants of Farmers' Participation in Farmers-Agribusiness Linkage and Its Implication for Income Distribution in Sri Lanka--A Case Study of Hybrid Maize Production (個別報告の部 〔地域農林経済学会〕大会個別報告論文)
- Present State and Issues of a Farmers-Agribusiness Linkage in Sri Lanka : A Case Study of Gherkin Production
- Sodium tolerance of plants in relation to ionic balance and the absorption ability of microelements(Plant Nutrition)
- 高温・好気法によるアオコ汚泥の処理
- Effect of Heat Treatment on Catabolites Formation in Relation to Chlorophyll Degradation during Storage of Broccoli (Brassica olearacea L. Italica Group) Florets
- 1P159 EPR Characterization of the heme complex of a higher plant heme oxygenase-1(5. Heme protein,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Groundwater Pump Clustering Management Strategy Using a Fuzzy C-Means Approach