The Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University | 論文
- Performance Improvement by Packet Buffering in Mobile IP Based Networks
- Applications of Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems in Humanoid Robots(Concurrent Systems and Hybrid Systems)
- A New Approach to Estimate Effort to Update Object-Oriented Programs in Incremental Development
- High RF Performance of 50-nm-Gate Lattice-Matched InAlAs/InGaAs HEMTs (Joint Special Issue on Heterostructure Microelectronics with TWHM 2000)
- An Adaptive Algorithm with Variable Step-Size for Parallel Notch Filter (Digital Signal Processing)
- Verifying Fault Tolerance of Concurrent Systems by Model Checking(Special Section on Concurrent System Technology and Its Application to Multiple Agent Systems)
- Weak Normality for Nonblocking Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems under Partial Observation(Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- On-Line Synthesis of Decentralized Supervisors for Discrete Event Systems (Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- Synthesis of Reliable Decentralized Supervisors for Discrete Event Systems (Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- Advanced Sequential Control Based on an Autonomous Decentralized System for Attaining Highly Productive Systems (Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- Selection of Search Centers in Iterative Soft-Decision Decoding Algorithms(Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications)
- A Generalized PWC Spiking Neuron Model and Its Neuron-Like Activities and Burst-Related Bifurcations
- Neuron-Like Responses and Bifurcations of a Generalized Asynchronous Sequential Logic Spiking Neuron Model
- A Comb Filter Design Method Using Linear Phase FIR Filter
- Estimating Reviewer Credibility Using Review Contents and Review Histories
- Convergence Vectors in System Identification with an NLMS Algorithm for Sinusoidal Inputs
- A Comb Filter with Adaptive Notch Gain and Bandwidth
- Co-scheduling of Communication and Control of Multi-Hop Control Networks