The Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University | 論文
- 脂肪抑制法を用いた微小乳腺腫瘍の1.5TプロトンMRスペクトロスコピー
- 学習管理システムを活用した信号処理教育(音声・言語・音響教育,一般)
- ネットワーク環境と学習管理システムを活用した音響信号処理教育(大学における音響教育の現状)
- 両耳信号を用いた矢状面座標系に基づく音源方向推定 : 象限分割による方向推定精度向上について
- 非同期マルチチャネル信号を用いた単語音声認識のための信号強調 : NTPによるチャネル間同期法の検討
- Measurement of the laterality threshold of a tone with an interaural intensity difference under temporal masking conditions
- Effects of the preceding and following tone on laterality threshold
- 複数のタ-ゲット刺激に対する信号検出
- Azimuthal and elevation localization of two sound sources using interaural phase and level differences
- Howling canceler for a hearing assistant system based on interaural level difference
- Pitch detection using real-time processing system based on the cluster system
- Frequency domain binaural model based on interaural phase and level differences
- A pitch detection method based on continuous wavelet transform for harmonic signal
- Spectral Subtraction Based on Statistical Criteria of the Spectral Distribution
- A simple blind signal separation for 2-inputs and 2-outputs system using trigonometric function and its application
- The formation of attentional filters for a missing-fundamental complex tone and frequency-gliding tones
- A microphone array system using iterative echo suppression method as inverse filtering
- An Active Noise Control Headset for Grew Members of Ambulance (Special Section on Noise Cancellation and Reduction Techniques)
- Active noise control system using motional feedback loudspeaker
- Analysis of moving sound sources : Separation of multiple sources