- Operating Conditions for Hydriding Combustion Synthesis of Pure Mg_2NiH_4
- Modification of electronic structure of Cs2TCNQ3 with magnetic field
- Squeal of a Roller Brake of Bicycles
- ハイパーソニック・エフェクトの脳波による検討
- 新世代オーディオ技術の評価-ハイパーソニック・エフェクトについて
- 脳波を指標とする人工静止テクスチャの生理的評価法
- 17-5 精細度のことなる静止画像の生理・心理評価
- Epitaxial Synthesis of Sr_Ti_nO_ (n = 2-5) Ruddlesden-Popper Homologous Series by Pulsed-Laser Deposition
- A Kendama Learning Robot Based on Bi-directional Theory
- Structural Phase Transition in (NMe4)2TCNQ3
- ハイパーソニック・エフェクトの領域脳血流による検討
- Performance of Hero's Turbine Using Two-phase Mixture as Working Fluid : Experimental Results in an Air-water Two-phase System
- Reserach and Development of the Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine(Gas Turbine Technology in Japan)
- Preparation of Layered-Rhombohedral LiCoO_2 Epitaxial Thin Films Using Pulsed Laser Deposition
- Development of Electric Active Suspension Actuator
- Analysis and Consideration of the Driver Motion According to the Rolling Slalom Running
- Quenching of Frictional Vibration of a Rotating Circular Plate by Dynamic Absorbers
- 2P-222 シリカメソ多孔体内部の細孔への巨大光合成膜タンパク質複合体の導入とその熱耐性向上機構(光生物-光合成,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3TP2-03 シリカメソ多孔体細孔中に導入した好熱性シアノバクテリア光化学系IIコア複合体の機能(光生物-光合成,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P363 Function of photosynthetic membrane protein complex inside silica mesoporous materials(43. Photosynthesis,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)