THe First Department of Surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine | 論文
- 再生肝組織におけるクラス II 抗原の発現と cyclosporine の影響
- Influence of Operative Injury on the Systemic Inflammatory ResponseSyndrome in Esophageal Cancer Surgery
- Does the Magnitude of the Operative Injury Influence PostoperativeRegional TNF-a and IL-6 Concentrations?
- Late Pancreatic Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Second Primary Cancer Developing in the Reconstructed Gastric Tube sfter Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: Clinicopathological Analyses of 14 Cases
- The Incidence of Metastatic Internal Mammary Node Involvement inPatients with T1 Breast Cancer
- Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) in Malnourished Rats FollowingMajor Hepatic Resection
- Improvement in Host Immunity and a Decrease in Morbidity by thePreoperative Administration of OK432 in Cirrhotic Patients with HCC
- Overexpression of p53 Protein in Hepatocellular Carcinoma : ItsDefinition and Correlation with Viral Infection
- Successful Inokuchi Shunt Operation for Early Gastric Cancer andConcomitant Esophagogastric Varices: A Case Report
- A Retrospective Comparative Study of Two Anastomotic Techniques for Safer Pancreaticogastrostomy: Anastomosis with and without Gastrotomy
- A Case Report of Successful Conservative Management of PostoperativeMassive Hemorrhage Based on AKBR after Living Related LiverTransplantation
- Immunological Monitoring of the Peripheral Blood Mono-nuclear Cellby Two-Color Flow Cytometry after Local Administration of OK-432 in aPatient with Gastric Cancer Displaying Multiple Liver Metastasis
- Changes in Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover and in Calcaneal Ultrasonometric Parameters during Wintering in the Antarctic
- Endoscopic Injection Sclerotherapy for Variceal Hemorrhage in Chidrenwith Congnital Biliary Atresia
- Effects of Jejunoileal Transplantation on Myoelectrical Activity inthe Rat Small Intestine
- A Case Report of Combined Injury to the Stomach and Duodenum FollowingBlunt Abdominal Trauma
- p53 Immunostaining distinguishes malignant from benign lesions of the gall-bladder
- Successful Treatment of a Recurrent Leiomyosarcoma of the InferiorVena Cava
- Effects of Dietary Factors (Fat and Fiber) on Experimental ColonCarcinogenesis and Cancer Growth in Rats