A Retrospective Comparative Study of Two Anastomotic Techniques for Safer Pancreaticogastrostomy: Anastomosis with and without Gastrotomy
Isao Kurosaki
The First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Kazuhiro Tsukada
The First Department of Surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine
Kentaro Takagi
The Department of Surgery, Niigata Prefectural Center Hospital, Joetsu
Kentaro Takagi
The Department Of Surgery Niigata Prefectural Center Hospital Joetsu
Kazuhiro Tsukada
The First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
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- A Retrospective Comparative Study of Two Anastomotic Techniques for Safer Pancreaticogastrostomy: Anastomosis with and without Gastrotomy
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