Swedish Institute of Space Physics | 論文
- 月電離層の電波掩蔽観測
- MELOSが挑む「火星大気散逸・大気進化科学」(MELOS火星複合探査の科学検討)
- B206 あかつき電波掩蔽による金星大気の温度分布と硫酸蒸気分布の観測計画(スペシャル・セッション「金星気象衛星「あかつき」の科学」,口頭発表)
- B209 金星雲頂高度で見られる東西風速の周期的変動について(スペシャル・セッション「金星気象衛星「あかつき」の科学」,口頭発表)
- Auroral tomography analysis of a folded arc observed at the ALIS-Japan multi-station campaign on March 26, 1995
- First results of auroral tomography from ALIS-Japan multi-station observations in March, 1995
- Simulation of high energy tail of electron distribution function
- 3-D extent of the main ionospheric trough - a case study
- Auroral field-aligned currents by incoherent scatter plasma line observations in the E region
- Simultaneous ground-based and satellite observations of Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations : A case study using multipoint measurements
- New ELF Observation System at Moshiri, Japan and Assessments of Acquired Data
- キルナにおけるFTIR観測による成層圏O_3鉛直分布とILAS観測との比較
- Polar mesosphere winter echoes during solar proton events
- The Ion Mass Imager on the Planet-B spacecraft
- Simultaneous measurements of high-frequency pump-enhanced airglow and ionospheric temperatures at auroral latitudes
- Camera calibration by an integrating sphere for the auroral tomography observation
- Characteristics of the Sprite Parent Winter Thundercloud with Positive Single Flash in Hokuriku, Japan (A Case Study on 14th December 2001)
- Diffrent Methods to Determine the Polar Cap Area
- Ponderomotive impacts of ion cyclotron waves on the ions in the equatorial zone of the magnetosphere
- 宇宙空間現象の観測における時間変化と空間構造の分離