First results of auroral tomography from ALIS-Japan multi-station observations in March, 1995
Miyaoka Hiroshi
National Institute of Polar Research
Ejiri Masaki
National Institute of Polar Research
Aso Takehiko
National Institute of Polar Research
Miyaoka H
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
Brandstrom Urban
Swedish Institute Of Space Physics
Urashima Akira
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
Steen Ake
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Gustavsson Bjorn
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Aso Takehiko
National Institute Of Polar Research Arctic Environment Research Center
Ejiri M
National Institute Of Polar Research
Urashima Akira
Department Of Electrical Engineering Kyoto University
Miyaoka H
National Institute Of Polar Research
Gustavsson B.
Swedish Institute Of Space Physics Kiruna Division
Ejiri Masaki
National Institute Of Polar Research Arctic Environment Research Center
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