Sugadaira Montane Research Center University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- 新規抗真菌物質EK002生産菌 Glomospora sp. について
- 41 Phoma sp.の生産する新規ヒトトポイソメラーゼI阻害物質、EK004-1,-2(口頭発表の部)
- (18) Dendryphiella 属菌による水田雑草クログワイの新病害 (秋季関東部会)
- Molecular phylogeny of terrestrial holocarpic endoparasitic peronosporomycetes, Haptoglossa spp., inferred from 18S rDNA
- A molecular phylogeny of Haptoglossa species, terrestrial peronosporomycetes (oomycetes) endoparasitic on nematodes
- Coemansia 属菌を始めとしたキクセラ目菌の土壌からの分離法
- 18S rDNA塩基配列に基づく Ramicandelaber 属の分類学的位置の検討
- ドイツ産モミ属針葉上の菌類遷移〔英文〕
- Coemansia furcata sp. nov. and its distribution in Japan and Taiwan
- Growth strategies differentiate the spatial patterns of 11 dipterocarp species coexisting in a Malaysian tropical rain forest
- Fungal colonization and decomposition of Castanopsis sieboldii leaves in a subtropical forest
- Development and seasonal variations of Lophodermium populations on Pinus thunbergii needle litter
- 日本の冷温帯におけるミズナラ二次林の成長
- Geographical distribution of Sporidesmium goidanichii in pine forests of Japan
- Saprolegnia semihypogyna sp. nov., a saprolegniaceous oomycete isolated from soil in Japan
- The genus Brevilegnia (Saprolegniales, Oomycetes) in Japan
- Dematiaceous hyphomycetes inhabiting decaying blackish needles of Abies firma and their distribution in the Kanto district, Japan
- Sequence analyses of the 28S rRNA gene D1/D2 region suggest Dacrymyces (Heterobasidiomycetes, Dacrymycetales) is polyphyletic
- Zygospore formation in Mortierella capitata
- チリ産針葉樹落葉生の微小菌類