Stanford Linear Accelerator Center | 論文
- In-orbit timing calibration of the hard X-ray detector on board Suzaku
- The X-Ray Observatory Suzaku
- Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) on board Suzaku
- 電子・陽電子衝突における高偏極Z^0粒子の物理
- In-orbit performance of the hard X-ray detector on board Suzaku
- Suzaku Wide-Band X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 2 AGN in NGC 4945
- Probing the disk-jet connection of the radio galaxy 3C 120 observed with Suzaku
- Search for Oxygen Emission from Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium around A 2218 with Suzaku
- Deconvolution of Images Taken with the Suzaku X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer
- Design and In-Orbit Performance of the Suzaku Wide-Band All-Sky Monitor
- Suzaku wide-band observations of SN 1006
- Hard X-Ray Investigation of the Galactic Center Region with Suzaku(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Construction and Performance of a Large-Aperture Wire-Chamber Spectrometer for Pion Scattering Experiments at KEK
- A Test of Lead Glass Shower Counters
- Accretion Disk Spectra of the Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Sources in Nearby Spiral Galaxies and Galactic Superluminal Jet Sources(Session 2 : ULXs and Intermediate-Mass BHs)
- A 700-MHz Switched-Capacitor Analog Waveform Sampling Circuit (Special Section on the 1993 VLSI Circuits Symposium (Joint Issue with the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.29, No.4 April 1994))
- Vector Boson Pair Productions with a Hard Photon Emission : Particles and Fields
- 29p-W-8 SLACにおける偏極電子源の基礎研究と実用化
- Accretion Disk Spectra of the Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Sources in Nearby Spiral Galaxies and Galactic Superluminal Jet Sources(Session 2 : ULXs and Intermediate-Mass BHs)
- New CdTe Pixel Gamma-Ray Detector with Pixelated Al Schottky Anodes