Spring-8/riken | 論文
- 28aYC-12 Photo-induced spin transition and linkage isomerism electron density study by MEM
- Distinct Transport Behaviors of LaFe_Co_yAsO_F_x (x = 0.11) between the Superconducting and Nonsuperconducting Metallic y Regions Divided by y - 0.05
- 28pRE-2 反応現象のX線ピンポイント構造計測I : 粉末1粒からの結晶構造解析(28pRE 領域10,領域5合同 X線・粒子線(X線),領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- 反応現象のX線ピンポイント構造計測 : DVD材料の光記録現象をSPring-8で見る
- Hard X-ray Diffraction-Limited Nanofocusing with Kirkpatrick-Baez Mirrors
- Two-dimensional Submicron Focusing of Hard X-rays by Two Elliptical Mirrors Fabricated by Plasma Chemical Vaporization Machining and Elastic Emission Machining
- 25aYD-3 結晶水制御したしアノ錯体の静電ポテンシャル変化(クラスレート・ゼオライト,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- 29pYF-1 α-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3の金属絶縁体転移に伴う電荷移動の直接観測(29pYF α-ET系,輸送現象,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Continuous Evolution of Fermi Surface Properties above Metamagnetic Transitions in Ce_xLa_Ru_2Si_2(Condensed matter : electronics structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Temperature-Induced Valence Transition in EuNi_2(Si_Ge)_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Itinerant-Electron Weak Ferromagnetism in La-Based Filled Skutterudite LaFe_4As_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- de Haas-van Alphen Effect of CeSb Under Pressure
- U系超伝導体の磁化過程
- Sm_3Te_4の低温磁化
- Crystal-field *_8-like State in Magnetically Ordered Phases of CeP : Its Anisotropy and Influence on Electronic Structure via High-Field Magnetotransport Measurements
- Desorption-erasure of the Spin State Transition in Prussian-blue Type Cyanide
- Vibrational Spectroscopy of Superconducting MgB_2 by Neutron Inelastic Scattering : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 27aRF-11 High-energy x-ray photoemission study of CeRhAs : Observation of the hybridization gap
- 24aRC-3 Evidence for the constancy of U in the Mott transition of V_2O_3 Revealed by Hard-X-ray photoemission Spectroscopy
- 26aWL-9 MFIゼオライトに吸着した酸素分子の配列構造(26aWL 量子スピン(クラスター系),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))