Space Utilization Research Center National Space Development Agency Of Japan | 論文
- Gravimorphogenesis of Cucurbitaceae plants: Development of peg cells and graviperception mechanism in cucumber seedlings
- Inhibition of root elongation in microgravity by an applied electric field
- STS-95 space experiment for plant growth and development, and auxin polar transport
- Inhibition of Root Elongation in Microgravity an Applied Electric Field
- Growth and Development, and Auxin Polar Transport in Higher Plants under Microgravity Conditions in Space:BRIC-AUX on STS-95 Space Experiment
- Morphogenesis of Rice and Arabidopsis Seedlings in Space
- Plant growth processes in Arabidopsis under microgravity conditions simulated by a clinostat
- Electrostatic levitation furnace for x.ray diffraction measurements of high.temperature liquid materials (Liquid structure and transport properties of high temperature metallic Melts)
- In_Ga_As Plate Crystals Grown by the Traveling Liquidus-Zone (TLZ) MethodDetailed Results of This Period : Growth of Homogeneous Si_Ge_ Single Crystals by the Traveling Liquidus-Zone Method (Effects of microgravity environment on growt
- Electrostatic levitation method for containerless material processing in microgravity
- Closed water recirculating system for fish rearing equipped with bioreactor capable of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification
- Measurement of diffusion coefficient of Au in liquid Ag due to the shear cell technique (Thermo-physical and atomic transport properties of liquid metals related to the experiments under microgravity)
- Current status of the development of shear cell technique in ground base research and towards JEM on ISS (Thermo-physical and atomic transport properties of liquid metals related to the experiments under microgravity)
- Measurements of Impurity Diffusion Coefficients in Ionic Melts with High Accuracy under Microgravity (特集 MSL-1(3))
- Microgravity Diffusion Experiments for Compound Semiconductor Lead-Tin-Telluride Melt in Space Shuttle Mission MSL-1
- Solidification of Sn-Pb Eutectic System Alloy in Sounding Rocket TR-IA-4 (特集 TR-IA4号機)
- Novel Synthesis of Calcium Oxide-Aluminum Oxide Glasses
- Containerless Solidification of Undercooled Nd_2Fe_B by Electrostatic Levitation Furnace
- Organic compounds in the condensed water from the MIR space station.