Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 論文
- 22 Migrated hopenesおよび関連トリテルペノイドの酸による転位反応と酸化成積体について
- 44 ホパン系トリテルペノイドにおける側鎖の構造について
- Identification of Strain MF861-C4, a Kasugamycin-Producing Actinomycete, as Streptomyces albulus
- Streptomyces kasugaensis sp. nov. : A New Species of Genus Streptomyces
- Antidiabetic Activity of Zn(II) Complexes with a Derivative of L-Glutamine
- Insulinomimetic Zinc(II) Complexes with Natural Products: In Vitro Evaluation and Blood Glucose Lowering Effect in KK-A^y Mice with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- 33 トリテルペン合成酵素の構造と機能 : β-アミリン及びルペオール合成酵素の生成物制御機構の解析(口頭発表の部)
- Peptide Synthesis in Water IV. Preparation of N-Ethanesulfonylethoxycarbonyl (Esc) Amino Acids and Their Application to Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis
- Solid Phase Synthesis in Water : Application of the Ethanesulfonylethoxycaronyl (Esc) Group
- 粉末生薬の研究-2-扁豆および類縁生薬
- 粉末生薬の研究-1-菌類生薬中の結晶
- DNA Sequencing and Transcriptional Analysis of the Kasugamycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Streptomyces kasugaensis M338-M1
- Destruxin E, a Cyclodepsipeptide Antibiotic, Reduces Cyclin D1 Levels and Inhibits Anchorage-Independent Growth of v-Ki-ras-Expressed pMAM-ras-REF Cells (Biopharmacy)
- Some Biological and Biochemical Activities of Resormycin, a Novel Herbicidal Antibiotic
- Nocardia vinacea sp. nov.
- New Triene-ansamycins, Thiazinotrienomycins F and G and a Diene-ansamycin, Benzoxazomycin
- ABC Transporter Genes, kasKLM, Responsible for Self-resistance of a Kasugamycin Producer Strain
- Anticancer and Some Biological Activities of Thiazinotrienomycin B
- Saccharothrix tangerinus sp. nov., the Producer of the New Antibiotic Formamicin : Taxonomic Studies
- A 7.6kb DNA Region from Streptomyces kasugaensis M338-M1 Includes Some Genes Responsible for Kasugamycin Biosynthesis