Shizuoka Univ. Shizuoka Jpn | 論文
- The Effects of Pyridine and Pyrazine Carboxylic Acids Derivatives on the Growth of Lemna paucicostata 151(Biological Chemistry)
- 448 In vitro analysis of the roles of a disulfide bridge and a calcium binding site in Pseudomonas sp. KWI-56 lipase using PCR and Escherichia coli coupled transcription/translation
- Purification and Properties of 5-Keto-D-Fructose Reductase from a Mutant Strain Derived from Corynebacterium sp.
- Chalcone Synthase from Camellia sinensis : Isolation of the cDNAs and the Organ-Specific and Sugar-Responsive Expression of the Genes : GENES STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION
- Activation of the 20S Proteasome of Xenopus Oocytes by Cardiolipin : Blockage of the Activation of Trypsin-like Activity by the Substrate
- Erinacines E, F, and G, Stimulators of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)-Synthesis, from the Mycelia of Hericium erinaceum.
- Preparation of High Coercive-Force Al-Substituted Bi-DyIG Fine Particles and Coating Films (特集:光磁気記録・磁性薄膜)
- Fabrication of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor-Structured Silicon Field Emitters with a Polysilicon Dual Gate
- Fabrication of a New Si Field Emitter Tip with Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) Structure
- A New Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor-Structured Si Field Emitter Tip
- Emission Characteristics of Ion-Implanted Silicon Emitter Tips
- Estimation of Bi Content in Bi-YIG Particles Prepared by Coprecipitation and Annealing
- Nonstoichiometric Properties of Bi-Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet Sputtered Films
- Heterodyne Detection of Microwaves Using Granular-Type Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ Superconductors
- Improvement of Spatial Resolution of Monochromatic X-ray CT Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Influence of Beam Current Ripple on Secondary Electron and RBS Mapping Images
- Two Novel Diterpenoids, Erinacines H and I from the Mycelia of Hericium erinaceum.
- Two Novel Diterpenoids, Erinacines H and I from the Mycelia of Hericium erinaceum
- Effect of Acetic Acid or Rice Vinegar Feeding after Exercise on Blood Glucose in Fasted and Running-trained Rats