Shin Nippon Biomedical Lab. Ltd. Kagoshima Jpn | 論文
- Heat Shock Proteins in Normal and Stressed Mammalian Embryonic Development
- High Incidence of Hydrocephalus Following Prenatal Exposure to X-irradiation at Early Gastational Stage in Mice
- Sex and Strain Differences in the Brush Border and PAS-Positive Granules and Giant Bodies of the Mouse Renal S3 Segment Cells
- Apoptotic Cell Death and Radiosensitive Phase of Cell Cycle: A Flow Cytometric Study
- Pulmonary Vascular System in Young Mice Using Corrosive Resin Cast Technique
- Effects of different fixatives on immunohistochemical demonstration of midkine using quick-frozen mouse embryonic brains
- 雌DBA/2マウスの腎臓の形態における加齢変化
- チャイニ-ズハムスタ-の下顎腺の微細構造について〔英文〕
- ヤギ耳下腺の走査電子顕微鏡による観察
- ウシの耳下腺の微細構造について
- チャイニ-ズハムスタ-の耳下腺の微細構造について〔英文〕
- 犬耳下腺の走査電子顕微鏡による観察
- マウスの乳腺組織とその血管分布におよぼす絶食の影響
- 239 副交感神経切除時におけるマウス顎腺の形態について(解剖学分科会)(第72回日本獣医学会記事)
- Lithium Modification of Radiation-Induced Apoptotic Process in External Granule Cells of Mouse Cerebellum
- A Comparison of Effects between Accelerated Heavy
- Dese Response Relationship of Disturbed Migration of Purkinje Cells in the Cerebellum Due to X-Irradiation
- Segregation analysis of animal pedigree data from inter-population crosses
- Analysis of Synaptonemal Complexes Behaviour in the Domestic Goat
- Mapping of the Dilute-Opisthotonus (dop) Gene on Chromosome 8 of the Rat