Shin Nippon Biomedical Lab. Ltd. Kagoshima Jpn | 論文
- Types and Three-dimensional Distribution of Neuronal Ectopias in the Brain of Mice Prenatally Subjected to X-irradiation
- Developmental abnormalities in the hippocampus of rats prenatally exposed to irradiation
- Three-dimensional distribution of neuronal ectopia in mouse brains exposed to radiation in utero
- Different patterns of abnormal neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex of mice prenatally exposed to irradiation
- Neurogenesis of ectopic gray matter in the cerebral cortex of the mouse following prenatal X-irradiation
- 高エネルギー重粒子線とエックス線のラット大脳発生に及ぼす影響の比較
- Histological Characteristics of the Pelage Skin of Rough fur Mice (C3H/HeJ-ruf/ruf)
- Disturbed Purkinje Cell Migration Due to Reduced Expression of Reelin in the Rat Cerebellum Caused by Prenatal Exposure to X-radiation
- Hydrocephalus in Mice Induced by Prenatal Exposure to X-radiation
- Disturbed Purkinje Cell Migration Due to Reduced Expression of Reelin by X-Irradiation in Developing Rat Cerebellum
- The development of the cerebral cortex in the embryonic mouse exposed to irradiation : an electron microscopic study
- Follow up study on histogenesis of microcephaly induced by prenatal γ-irradiation in the mouse
- Hydrocephalus Following Exposure to X-irradiation at Early Gestation Stage in Mice
- Hydrocephalus in Mice Following X-irradiation at Early Gestational Stage : Possibly Due to Persistent Deceleration of Cell Proliferation
- Congenital Hydrocephalus Caused by Exposure to Low Level X-radiation at Early Gestational Stage in Mice
- Integrity of the Blood-Brain Barrin Barrier System against Methylmercury Acute Toxicity
- 小頭症ラットの海馬神経回路の生後発達異常
- Lithium Delays the Radiation-induced Apoptotic Process in External Granule Cells of Mouse Cerebellum
- Radiation-Induced Apoptosis and Developmental Disturbance of the Brain