School Of Pharmacy Aichi Gakuin University | 論文
- 29-P1-141 ACMIA法によるタクロリムス血中濃度測定に及ぼす低ヘマトクリット値の影響(TDM/薬物動態,社会の期待に応える医療薬学を)
- 13-4-B1 PASCAL (Delphi for WINDOWS) による汎用タイプの TDM 解析プログラムの開発と薬剤部 LAN 上での運用
- シクロスポリン血中濃度-時間曲線下面積による腎移植後の急性拒絶反応抑制の検討
- P-495 多発性骨髄腫患者におけるサリドマイド適正使用の取り組み(3.医薬品適正使用5,医療薬学の未来へ翔(はばた)く-薬剤師の薬剤業務・教育・研究への能動的関わり-)
- シクロスポリンA水性点眼液の院内製剤と新規市販製剤との文献による比較評価
- 30-D-10 人工関節置換術後の慢性骨髄炎患者におけるバンコマイシン体内動態に関する検討 : 薬剤充填ハイドロキシアパタイト併用の影響(薬物動態(TDM・投与設計等),医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
- 2P208 神経・マスト細胞相互作用におけるカドヘリンの役割(細胞生物的課題 : 接着・運動・骨格・伝達・膜)
- P-438 頭頸部がん化学療法における情報携帯端末を用いた副作用モニタリングの効率化(4.医薬品情報・データベース,"薬剤師がつくる薬物治療"-薬・薬・学の連携-)
- Macromolecule-Macromolecule Interaction in Drug Distribution. III. Kinetic Characterization of the Uptake of Fractionated [^3H]Heparin and the Effect of Plasma Proteins in the Perfused Rat Liver
- Relationships of Nutrient Intake and Lifestyle-Related Factors to Serum Folate and Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in 30-69 Year-Old Japanese
- The Ratio of Serum Paraoxonase/Arylesterase Activity Using an Improved Assay for Arylesterase Activity to Discriminate PON1_ from PON1_
- PJ-326 Intracellular Delivery of Imatinib (PDGF Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor) with Bioabsorbable Polymeric Nanoparticle Technology Effectively Suppresses Vein Graft Neointima Formation(Cardiovascular surgery/CABG-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meetin
- OJ-177 A Novel Nanotechnology-Based Strategy for Therapeutic Neovascularization : Local Delivery of Statin with Biodegradable-Polymeric-Nanoparticle Improves Therapeutic Efficacy of Ischemic Neovascularization(Regeneration (angiogenesis / myocardial regen
- OJ-081 Sustained Intracellular Delivery of Nanoparticles in Porcine Coronary Arteries from a Bioabsorbable Polymeric Nanoparticle-Eluting Stent(Coronary revascularization, PCI-05, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-189 Feasibility of Biodegradable Polymeric Nanoparticle Technology for Intracellular Drug Delivery as a Novel Treatment of Vein Graft Disease(Cardiovascular surgery/CABG-1 (IHD) OJ32,Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific M
- P-566 当院における外来抗癌剤無菌調製業務の現状(14.調剤・処方管理・オーダリング(注射剤含む),"薬剤師がつくる薬物治療"-薬・薬・学の連携-)
- Functional Characterization of Human Aquaporin 9 as a Facilitative Glycerol Carrier
- Absorption and Metabolic Extraction of Diltiazem from the Perfused Rat Small Intestine
- Saturable Absorption of Glycerol in the Rat Intestine(Biopharmacy)
- Kinetic Characterization of Carrier-Mediated Transport Systems for D-Glucose and Taurocholate in the Everted Sacs of the Rat Colon